Due to the small numbers of pupils eligible for pupil premium - we are restricted as to the information we are able to provide on the page for GDPR reasons. For further details please contact the school directly.
How Pupil Premium is used at Kirkby Malham Primary
- Narrowing the gap in attainment of FSM children through comprehensive intervention support throughout the school including Extra and Above Support and intervention projects in and outside of class and the improvement of feedback from staff working with Pupil Premium to demonstrate impact and more closely monitor progress
- Ensure all literacy and numeracy lessons in school from Reception upwards are all supported by a trained TA and that the majority of Early Years staff are trained to Higher Level Training Assistant level
- Purchase materials to support specialised group intervention work to provide extra and above support to those Pupil Premium children who need it (including the provision of additional literacy and numeracy resources through a budget issued to the Special Needs Coordinator for those who are not working at expected progress or have been identified as in danger of falling behind)
- Extending intervention strategies to better support Numeracy Intervention Work via training with our partner school at Settle CE Primary
- Widening the SENDCo role in order to better monitor and track progress and support teachers
- Subsidising cost of after school clubs and activities to allow lower income families to be involved
- Fund intervention strategies across the school to target Maths and Phonics / Reading Support across the school as well as Zones of Regulation to help children better manage their thoughts, moods and feelings.
- Purchase resources to strengthen the teaching of grammar, punctuation, spelling and comprehension skills throughout the school
- Subsidise costs of residential and other class visits for FSM and disadvantaged pupils
The school is aware that many families have been affected by the Coronavirus in 2020 and this has left families very vulnerable in terms of income. The school now offers Uniform Assistance to vulnerable families/those whose children are on Pupil Premium. Please contact the school office for further details and to see whether your family might be eligible.
The School also received funding to support Catch Up and Recovery strategies to help close the gap for pupils who have been particularly affected by disruptions in 2020/21. For further information about this please refer to the report in the Pdf section below.