We are very proud of our school curriculum at Kirkby Malham Primary School. It has been re-designed to take account of the National Curriculum , as well as elements that are specific to Settle and our rural community. It is a curriculum that is challenging, exciting, fun and relevant to the current times with a complementary provision through our Curriculum for Life Strategy that focuses on important life skills.
Our curriculum is progressive, sequential and structured to meet the needs of all pupils.
Below in the related contents page we will keep you updated with specific planning documents relating to each year group so you can clearly see what we do at our school.
Kirkby Malham Primary School always aspires to put the children first when it comes to making decisions about provision, learning and well being. We want our pupils to be happy, confident children who love coming to school and importantly are safe, well cared for and love learning!
We are very proud of the creative curriculum provided at Kirkby Malham Primary School, which provides opportunities for both academic and non academic development.
We have a 'Curriculum for Life Document' which supplements National Curriculum areas with life skill and personal growth and development opportunities. It is designed to cover a range of disciplines including: mental health and well being strategies, cooking, first aid, financial management, self-defence and STEM opportunities.
Like all schools, passing exams is very important to us, but equally important is personal growth and development and self mastery of skills such as self discipline, problem solving, creative thinking, grit and resilience.
Through our curriculum, we equip children with the necessary skills and values to prepare them as lifelong learners, to be valued members of the communities in which they live and to prepare them for their future lives. We acknowledge and celebrate the fact that each of one of our children is different, and that they all learn in different ways.
Our Curriculum provision has been re-designed to take account of the National Curriculum, and reflects our local context as well as preparing our children for life in 21st Century Britain.
There are three stages in the Primary years:
- Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception)
- Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)
- Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6)
Each year group has class specific plans which outline the learning for the year. The work is pitched to meet the needs of all pupils regardless of ability or background.
Foundation Stage Coverage - pupils attending in Nursery and Reception undertaking learning through a Foundation Stage Curriculum which offers play based and focused learning opportunities tailored to meet individual needs.
At Kirkby Malham Primary school our curriculum is designed to:
- Give the children a breadth of experiences so that they develop as confident, resilient and responsible young people.
- Give the children a rich ‘cultural capital’
- Provide a coherent, well structured, relevant academic curriculum that leads to sustained mastery for all and where some, who are capable achieve a greater depth of understanding.
- National Curriculum Coverage
- Children from Year 1-6 all follow a National Curriculum. Here the learning becomes more formalised, however our school provides a creative curriculum structure that ensures elements of personal growth, mental health and well being are built into everyday activities.
National Curriculum/School areas of study include:
- Art and Design
- Citizenship
- Design & Technology
- English
- Geography
- History
- Computing
- Maths
- Modern Foreign Languages
- Music
- Physical education
- Religious Education
- Science