School Meals
Our delicious school lunches are cooked fresh on site everyday by our cook, Mrs Wood. The meal consists of a main meal and a dessert, plus homemade bread. We follow the 3 weekly North Yorkshire County Catering menu which provides and broad and balanced variety of meals for the children.
All children up to Y2 receive a Universal Free School Meal. Families may also receive a free school meal if they are in receipt of income support. You can apply for this on the NYCC website.
Children may also bring into school a healthy packed lunch.
During lunchtime the children are cared for by Midday Supervisors, both in the dining room and at playtime.
Milk is available for every child at morning break, this is payable half termly. However, every child has a water bottle that they can use and have access to a cold, refreshing drink whenever they need one.