The Mission Statement

'To provide an outstanding education in a nurturing, enriching environment thus enabling all of our children to become life-long learners and to realise their full potential'

The Aims of our School

  • To provide the framework, encouragement and resources for all children to achieve their potential.
  • To increase the self-confidence and self-esteem of all pupils and to provide them with opportunities to develop their own interests, skills and talents.
  • To foster in our pupils the skills, knowledge and experience needed to make informed life choices.
  • To foster an atmosphere of tolerance, understanding and respect for the rights, aspirations and cultures of others.
  • To ensure that when pupils leave the school they are able to contribute positively in the wider community.

To achieve these aims we:

  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that offers a wide range of opportunities relevant to individuals whilst fulfilling our statutory obligations.
  • Develop a strong sense of community in which all pupils feel valued and are encouraged to achieve their full potential.
  • Establish a policy of praise and rewards in order to recognise and encourage the achievement of all pupils.
  • Develop links with the wider community.
  • Create a pleasant working environment and ensure that the school is equipped and resourced to the highest possible level within budgetary constraints.
  • Monitor the quality of provision in the school on a regular basis.