Art and Design Curriculum Intent
We aim to provide children with a broad and balanced experience in all areas of the Arts. The emphasis on Art is about children developing holistically, practically and creatively. Exploration is a valuable learning experience as it allows children to achieve a deeper knowledge and understanding of what they are doing and gain many different skills.
We will give children the opportunities to explore and develop their ideas, investigate and make in art, craft and design, evaluate and develop their work and be taught about visual and tactile elements and the differences and similarities in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers or different times and cultures.
Curriculum Implementation
We plan for art continuously as part of a balanced and creative curriculum following the Programmes of Study adopted by the school in line with the National Curriculum. Projects are linked wherever possible, to our unit themes and are organised through whole class teaching, group work and individual work. Children are given the chance to experiment with a wide range of media and work on a large and small scale, having the opportunity for direct observation, memory and their imagination.
Sketch books will be used also to practise and refine skills to use in our artwork.
The lesson structure and time allocated for Art may vary, depending on upon the implementation of cross-curricular themes.
Key elements will include exploration, planning, observation, studying artists, recreating the art work of others, developing skills with different materials, being imaginative and creative.
Oral feedback will be given with the children in the lesson and they will be encouraged to develop their ability to self-evaluate their work and engage in peer assessment. At the end of a unit the teacher will make a professional judgement on the level of depth and progress they have made over time.
Subject folders will collate evidence of learning across the year. This will include photos and work.
Whole school projects will be scheduled in to the year. This will enable children and teachers to work on a project and refine skills and to see the learning across the school from Nursery to Y6.